The Myers-Briggs Company's online assessment delivery system
If you use at least one of the following assessments, you can join Elevate® today!
*Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®
*Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation®
*California Psychological Inventory™
*Strong Interest Inventory®
Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument
*Certification is required for many of our instruments. Please click here to learn more.
Complete the form below to request your Elevate® site.
Please note:
- Your designated email address will be your Elevate® username and mobile phone is required for password recovery.
- If you are an internal practitioner at an organisation, we recommend using your business email address. Elevate® sites containing employee data for a single organisation will remain with that organisation. If you change organisations, please contact us to create a new Elevate® site.
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